Wednesday 2 September 2015

KCC fails us. Carter Must Go.

Paul Carter Leader at KCC fails us:

* KCC worst libraries in UK:

* Kent worst asbestos:

* Kent dozens of unsolved murders - even of the ones they've recorded:

* Kent Environment Strategy: nothing done for Climate Change -

* 100 SE Rd garden grabbing - mere silence and delay

* KCC tobacco and fossil fuel investments

* Landfill bloat

* Tax haven Kent: Canterbury 4th highest in UK, and Dirty Pleasurama - do they think we're idiots supposedly selling Pleasurama to the same people who were involved in the BVI tax haven scandal?

* Shit on the beach again from Southern Water

* Lydd/Buchanan: 9-11 risk

* Seafront parking and tramps lager

* No Most Wanted of rapists and burglars

* Manston/UKIP leadership "a liability" - says UKIP(!)

* Ridiculous droopy knickers and bra event by RTC

And now Kent road deaths/accidents up 11% - but they can't even record Medway or motorway crashes for some reason.

Even the bizarre instance of LocalCraigMP also being a JP in Chatham - making laws and enforcing them? Admittedly he doesn't live in Ramsgate but how silly, and as illegal as the Libdem civil servant candidate.

And now the election pledges on Manston brushed under the carpet just weeks after the election.

We need the election rerun if they are just spouting nonsense policies they know won't happen.

For this we pay £2BN in tax?

Carter has failed us.

Garbutt for KCC Leader 2017 and MP 2020.

Time for Change


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