Thursday 4 June 2015

More Corruption at TDC?

It's early days for UKIP at TDC and Kent's institutions are certainly not racist, yet with UKIP as opposition at KCC, a TDC UKip council and Kent Farage along with TingTong Janice, NegroRoz etc means there is - and certainly the potential for - a problem.

The first green shoots of Golliwogs and BNP racism are already popping up from the TDC UKIppers which is not good.

All the more disappointing as the UKippers - being amateurs in the best sense of the word - and new to TDC, have the opportunity to instigate real change.

I would already single out, for example, Cllr Sam Baimbridge in helping on points such as garden grabbing etc.

Today though for example Private Eye magazine at length describes both Manston as a foolish project and details:

“..the former Conservative regime run by the disgraced Sandy Ezekiel…there’s no doubt that Thanet council a byword for corruption and skullduggery was crying out for new blood. Whether Wells’ band of inexperienced elderly blokes and overlipsticked Grayson Perry lookalikes are the transfusion the area needs is another question.”

Clearly less than ideal for tourism as well as governance. Along with the failure to deal with the raft of parked cars on the seafront and tramps in the town centre.

Then there's the bouncing around and frankly bullshit about garden grabbing at 100 South Eastern Rd: confirmed as 11 flats then 23 flats on a 5 bed house and garden - and as rejected 3 years ago. Brown envelopes? Who knows but why would such a blatantly foolish development be agreed or at worst not instantly stopped?

Ed Targett on his blog details both the Dirty Water of Thor and South East Water pollution - very concerning for the Blue Flag beaches now missing both Margate and Broadstairs central beaches which is appalling. Especially with tighter EU regulations next year.

And Ed's blog details the Property Company run by the TDC Property official which beggars belief. If it wasn't for the likes of Pleasurama innoculating us all to the systemic fraud at TDC over the years.

Add in the silence on O'Regan and BVI Pleasurama and the Port and fake Pavilion consultation and the Ukippers are in danger of not grasping the nettle of failure at TDC.

We can change the councillors but unless they change the civil servants then failure will continue.

A bizarre maiden speech too by LocalCraigMP mentioning the word Manston then detailing his roles in Medway(!) or Gale silent on more road-cement and twaddle about extending the EZ from Discovery Park to Manston in effect subsidising Gloag and downplaying the need for pharma jobs for the tax breaks we fund.

While ignoring the missing fines and cancer pollution.

We expected nothing from Farage now disappeared into the sunset.

But we still have idiocy like Carter's £20M Parkway waste.

The election honeymoon is over and a nudgenudgewinkwink review of the CPO and dogdirt signs is looking thin when faced with Blatteresque endemic corruption and waste.

How any councilor can ignore any of the above seems incompetent or idle - none of which East Kent needs if it is to improve?

Time for Police investigation into Manston and Gloag and Infratil.

Time for East Kent Council.

Time for Carter and the Toxic Three to go.

Time for Garbutt KCC Leader 2017.

Time for Change

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