Monday 7 February 2011

Manston Cancer and SchtumGate

What has been going on? How much more cancer?

Manston airport built on the East Kent drinking water supply.


10 out of 12 Kent Districts failing – according to KCC’s own figures.

Almost no prte-20102 activity and no post-2012 activity: the last Olympic Games in Britain for 100 years.

The Stour/Pegwell Bay and Medway 2 of the 3 most polluted rivers in the UK.

Richboro's cancer towers collapsing itno the soil and sea as some kind of toxic tourist attraction.

Roads to Nowhere with the KCC Property Group of Balfour, Jacobs, Murphy, Land Securities etc.

Pfizer collapses – the largest employer in Kent – aside from the public sector.

Margate – one of the UK’s most derelict and deserted High Streets.

Westwood Cross: a Manchester-style out-of-town-shopping-centre-built-next-to the town centres: barely 30 minutes walk away and a 90% smaller population.

Bitumen-bureaucrats agreeing that every problem looks like a motorway or toll bridge or housing estate – but 9,000 empty houses in Kent.

Building on the flood plains – but neglecting the flood defences.

A mortality rate worse than the Third World: dying at 63 instead of 81 as in the rest of Kent.

Air pollution near Manston over 4x EU safe limits.

Banned overflights and missing fines.

The highest unemployment in Kent: 3% for Dover and 5% for Thanet – not including super-dole grants or quango and almo bureaucrat bailout schemes.

Oil tankers berthed off the Blue Flag beaches.

Faeces inn the water form Southern Water’s sewers.

Kent Environment Agency signing permits to pollute for Thor mercury banned 20 years ago and Manston drinking water.

What have our crumbly politicians and cement companies been doing on the rates?

Sielence form the TDC 56. Silence form the KCC 84. Silence from East kent's 3 MP's.

Are we moving to no taxation without (effective) representation - or back to shut up and pay up.

Kent with 90% Conservative politicians at County. Always Conservative since 1930. A Tunbridge cabal representing Maidstone. And none of the Cabinet directly elected?

No elected Police, NHS, Schools and GP chiefs - we might not have sub-standard politcies if they're directly elected and provide specifc manifestos.

Time to stop the cancer of Kent.

#Votes at 16: I’ll be calling on Kent schools to run elections this May for 16 and 17 year olds as a dry run for the County elections. Too many crumbly politicians and “councils for pensioners”.
#Close the Property Group cronyism: every problem looks like a motorway
#Cabinet seats for Districts: too many District and County politicians acting as Town councillors – for their constituents or Cement Groups not the County
#Deprived Region Cabinet seats
#Local Referenda on tarmac schemes: Manston, Dartford Bridge: too much pouring of tarmac for no need and no public desire
#Detailed Manifestos: “Growth without gridlock” or “more pointless roads”
#Publish all salaries, pensions and expenses: bureaucratic graft on the rates
#Council tax strike and rebates: £60M pa and £1.5Bn at KCC funding empty bureaucracy
#Criminal charges for Infratil and KCC: corporate manslaughter and failure of duty of care
#Repay civil service fraud and theft: 0% salary, missing Manston fines and Cargolux fines, EKO million pound memo, PleasuramaBungarama tax haven, ChinaGate donations for votes and pensions and payoffs for SchtumGate for silence on Manston, the drinking water and cancer rates.
#Safeguard the Chief Constable’s pension for a Police investigation and Public inquiry into CancerGate: missing monitors, fines and overflights
#KCC and TDC to sign upto UNMDG as public policy

Take Kent out of the Nineteenth century. Stop poisoning Kent’s citizens. Stop tarmacing Kent.

Speak up councillors and MP's. Cancer doesn't stay silent.

Too many foolish policies. Too many failed politicians. Too many bitumen-bureaucrats.

Too many empty glory projects. Too much tax n’waste.

Too much cancer.

Time for Change.

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