Wednesday 14 April 2010

Silence from Tom Wilson of Infratil

Remember the jumbo jet taking off over the towns at 2am on 1st April? No reply from Tom Wilson the new head of Manston as the email below.

Who exactly is running Infratil and allowing planes to take off and land at night?

And why the collusion from TDC? If a pub was serving drinks at 2am or padlocking the fire escape doors, TDC and the Police would rightly be all over them.

Why the silence from our MP's, KCC, 56 councillors and TDC on an airport breaching the council's own 106 regulations?

We don't hear much from our councillors on the benefits of night flights any more?

Nothing on a Parkway train station at Manston from Messrs Carter and Gale?

What about the benefits of landing planes on the drinking water supply? Or even the MOD Fire station squirting thousands of litres of chemical foam into the drainage system?

What has been going on? Email below:

Hi Tom

Any news on this please.

Also why did Infratil allow a plane to takeoff last night/this morning at 2am from Manston - and fly directly over the towns?

That's 2 specific and deliberate breaches isn't it?

There are no night flights between 11pm and 7am and flights are to avoid the towns: the safety and air and noise pollution problems?

Infratil seems a rogue corporation and to have lost control of safety procedures at Manston.

Have the Police been alerted?

Kindest regards.


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