Thursday 1 April 2010

Silence from Brian White on Manston noise and air pollution

Infratil repeatedly breach the night flights 106 regulations at Manston.

Fly loop training flights over the towns.

Takeoff and land over the towns.

Discharge aviation fuel into the drinking water and Pegwell bay.

Last night even a jet taking off from Manston over the towns at 2am.

Why the silence from Brian White?

Why the failure to even warn Infratil?

Why no mobile monitors to measure the fuel discharge? Infratil provided 3 mobile monitors they say.

Why the failure to impose the fines and tighter regulation of Manston?

I see no council approval to waive regulation. No approval to allow cancer to increase.

On the contrary all the regulations are to limit public exposure to noise and air pollution.

Did Brian decide himself not to bother? Was it a cosy deal behind closed doors with councillors? Which ones?

It can't be Matt Clarke. He's not there. Is it Infratil policy? They don't pay Brian's wages. Nor the cleanup costs.

Why allowing the cancer cost to increase?

For months and years.

Will Brian be supervising the road pollution areas and the Port and ship pollution?

Here's an extract from the "cancer circle around airports in America:

The American Cancer Society predicts that in the US, one out of every two men
and one out of every three women will eventually be diagnosed with cancer.

In July, the New England Journal of Medicine reported that environmental factors - mainly radiation and chemical pollution - are roughly twice as likely as genetic factors to contribute to cancer cases.

Aviation is responsible for emissions of nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbons, sulfur
dioxide, naphthalene, benzene (a known carcinogen), formaldehyde (a suspected
carcinogen), and dust particles that harm human health and contribute to global warming.

The poison circle from a single runway can extend six miles from its hub and run
20 miles downwind. The cancer rate for people living on the perimeter of Chicago's
O'Hare airport is 70 percent higher than the rate for the average Chicagoan, according toCAW.

A University of Illinois School of Public Medicine study estimates that pollution
from O'Hare's seven runways could be affecting the health of five million individuals.

Dioxins from spilled jet fuel, di-ethelyne glycol from de-icing fluids, leaked
engine oil and dissolved jet exhaust particulates commonly flood the tarmac and seep into the ground, streams, and creeks bordering O'Hare.

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