Thursday 25 June 2009

Water bowsers for Thanet?

Water bowsers in the streets?

I don't know. Could be.

We need to see the Environment Agency and TDC and Southern Water testing results: drinking water, contaminated sites like Infratil and Thor, sea water.

Clearly nothing has happened at Thor nor Infratil for major pollution:

They need siting in Ramsgate Town Hall with KCC for the next few years.

Still no contaminated land register from TDC.

The EA presentation (see Michael's bookshop site) to TDC (only last month) showed (slide 7) Thanet as the most polluted water in Kent.

Thor mecury water pollution has spread beyond the factory site.

Infratil repeatedly polluting - and the airport sits on the drinking water supply.

The outfall pipes need sumps/sealing.

The toxin results need publishing. What is happening at the site?

NHS on alert: hospitals and GP's - especially around Thor and Infratil locations.

Police at the Thor gates.

Suspend flights: a crash or spill wipes out the water supply.

Check the petrol stations around the water zone.

Check the farms/supply shops/municipal and industrila spray contractors for pesticides: the EA report contains various banned substances - Dioron etc

I don't know about filter kits for home or schools.

I don't think boiling water removes mercury or any of the other nasties.

Bottled water will help (although this isn't ideal for babies/some illnesses- speak to your doctor or NHS Direct I don't know).

Thanet has the most polluted water in Kent: action needs taking urgently.

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